Well I find out tomorrow if i am getting changed or not!! Pretty crazy
that I have almost been out for 6 months now. I dont know what it
is... but when im walking all day out in the hot sun im just like wow
this is really hard work, then when finally someone lets us in to
teach, and we teach them... I feel the spirit just testify to me that
this really is the lords work.. That this really is the true gospel
that can change lives. That allows people to live with there families
forever! You know... I have a pretty amazing family, if you just sit
down and think about it.... 5 crazy brothers, 5 sisters.... 12 nieces
and nephews who i absolutely love, and two parents who taught me how
to find the true gospel for myself... And did i mention that my family
is absolutely witty and funny and crazy... and they embarass me
allllll the time, and im stuck with them for eternity... and i wouldnt
want it any other way... All thanks to this gospel. I want the people
here to realize the blessings they can have from this gospel. It truly
is quite amazing if you just think about it. Just stop and think about
your family.
That is one thing thaat has helped me a lot. You know, being out here
has had some hard times... And that is just it!!!! When people in life
think about there problems it JUST CAUSES MORE PROBLEMS!!! If we out
weigh those problems with the blessings we have, i guarantee you the
blessings will outweigh all problems and trials.... GUARANTEED!! It
helps a lot!!
We have been teaching this family of 4 (Julio, Lilly, Piero, and
lilly), they are pretty rich, but we have been teaching them the
gospel, and the plan of salvation. They are really stubborn catholics,
but we told them how with the plan of salvation they could be together
forever, and it caught there eyes.. <they were interested in that. If
we an just testify the truthfullness to families about the plan of
salvation that is centered around the restored gospel of jesus christ
it can testify to peoples hearts that this is the true church.. That
is what happened to me.. That is how i knew.
So in the ward, A girl named liz is leaving for ecuador on tuesday for
her mission, and they came over to our pension at night last monday to
do a farewell, so basically everyone was there, and asked me to bear
my testimony on a mission.
What i said was this, That before I always knew i would serve a
mission, because i made the decision to serve when i was a kid, and
that if i hadnt of done that that it would of been really hard for me
to of gone on my mission. Then i said that i hoped to of gone french
or english speaking, and that i told my mom i really didnt want to go
spanish speaking, i told the ward that i didnt want to go to peru, i
wanted france or the U.S. And they all moaned and said i was mean for
saying that, but what is important is where my father in heaven wanted
me to go, that was my calling. I dont want to be in any other place
right now than peru.
This is the place i am suppose to be, I know it.. When you are called
to serve by god wether its in a calling or a mission... Plan to do it,
because he planned it specifically for you.. That goes for all
callings in the ward... plan to do it and face your fears... Last week
i told yall i ate a cow heart, Think i was terrified of eating
that!!!! YES!!!! But i did it,, and know i am blessed, why? because
my pension has been making me american food, she made french toast,
pancakes, philly cheese steak sandwiches, tacos, hot dogs, french
fries. Its awesome!! and tonight she is buying fried chicken!!! All
because she said how proud she was that i ate that heart!!
So what im trying to say is, plan to do things you dont like, you
never know what outcome or blessings you will recieve!
I love you all, thanks for everything, i will inform yall where i will
be if i get transfered tomorrow!
With love,
Elder Thatcher
Me and my buddy Elder Rodreguiz!!!!!!
A kid in the ward gave me this hat!!! I'm going flat bill!!!!!!!! I'm going flat bill!!!!
Im not TRUNKY I promise ( trunky is a
missionary word meaning whenever
you start talking about the states or your home, another missionary
will tell you that you are trunky!!!) TRUNKASO!"!! HAhaha I wont be
trunky until thanksgiving time until i remember all the good food we
eat.... That will be hard...
Anyways first of all, before i forget... I need stronger bug spray...
way stronger, I dont know where you will find that, but ya... second
of all.... im good on the peanut butter... they actually have it here
in a store called metros... so ya, none of that, third of all,
yesterday we had a conference with the 4 zones in huanuco and a zone
in cerro de pasco with president and his wife ( which is why i didnt
email yesterday) and too many missionaries were taking advantage of
the disney music with lyrics, so ya none of that anymore, it can only
be classical and instrumental.. as well if you can send me the music
of josh with his band, all that bluegrass, that would be nice, i can
listen to that type of stuff like instrumental bluegrass, just put it
on a flash drive, i have a speaker that reads usb. Also add any other
music.. i like guitar bluegrass instrumental, anything from the
church, ask the brothers and josh.. Just no disney with lyrics
anymore. I really just want food from the states.... anything... im
dying here......PLEASE.... NO MORE GUINEA PIG!!!! NO MORE
POTATOES!!!!! I want some flavor.. theres no flavor to anything accept
CAN GET THEM DOWN MY THROAT hahaha, the potatoes are just plain and
dry... and did i mention... NASTY!!!
So my companions name is Elder Cook, he is from Idaho falls and he has
13 months in the mission, there is only 2 more weeks in the
transfer... already.. thats soooo fast, and im like 99 percent sure im
leaving primavera. President made a joke to me yesterday and said I
hope texans like the cold... which means i will probably get sent to
huancayo or huancavelica or maybe even Cerro de Pasco... which is the
coldest part of the misiion, its the tallest city in the world, and
has the highest church building in the world....
Anyways, the work is getting slow, but its not bothering me too much,
we have had to drop investigators, for people just not wanting to come
to church.
This buhdist guy named Edgar taught me something that is actually
pretty cool. So he believes that when one is super busy and just
always doing things or always worrying about the future of the past
its because they arent thinking about the present. Its like golf
(yayayayay i know another analogy to golf) dont worry about your last
shot (hmmm Cameron hahaha) just focus on the one you need to do in the
moment. Dont get upset about the past because in reality, you cant do
anything more but fix it. So edgar told me when i am upset about the
past of future to stop for 3 to 5 min and think about the next thing
personally i need to do.. and go on and do the next.. I think this is
super important with my duty as a missionary. I was called to serve
each day as hard as i could. Not worry about the weeks to come. Each
day is a sprint. Work as hard as i can for that one day. Ya its hard
to drop people... i just gotta keep looking and finding the people im
suppose to find. It aint easy... but i´ll tell you what it aint
imposible either.. I love this work and i love my friends and family
for supporting me. You know in school all i wanted to do is
golf....and right now all i want to do is serve.. I had friends ask me
before why i was leaving golf to go to peru, Isnt it hard to give up
something for two years... This is my answer, Yes it would be hard to
give up something for two years, but because i made this decision to
serve a mission when i was a kid while my brothers served it was a lot
easier. Yes its a sacrifice but i made the decision to serve a
longggggg time ago, therefore it was a lot easier..
Eldert Thatcher}}
P.S. That means ALL O YALL!! YA HEAR!!!

my zone!
this guy bought us ice cream.... it was reaaallllyyy good
Paul bought us KFC for Halloween. he is the coolest guy ever!!!