Hey guys!!!! Well, I got transfered... Which is sad... I really miss
Cerro de Pasco... A lot!! Im in the zone Amarillis which is back in
Huanuco.... But I am in Ambo.. Which is my new area.. It is about 45
min outside of Huanuco. It is a small city. But i really like it! I
miss Elder Scriener and Elder Christensen, They are great missionaries
and great friends! But i am excited for my time I will have here in
Ambo. It is just so hot! I miss the cold! I am here with Elder
Valencia, he is from Columbia, and he has just a little over 3 months
in the mission. Also, im not district leader anymore, which is fine.
Im just super excited for the work here in ambo. We have 7 people that
we have challenged this past week and they have accepted! One is
Hermana Rosa who is a cholita. Super old. But she accepted for the
11th of april. So we are excited. Also we have a family who accepted
for the 25, but we arent too sure if we will be able to get baptized
this date, they will probably have to wait til may, as they have
problems in the family and with there house. We also have some solid
investigators that we can put with date this week!
In the ward, they usually get 70 members or so. This week in church
someone got confirmed and the bishop asked me to do it. I was suprised
as i have never confirmed someone before. And then i had to bless the
sacrament. Then give two blessings after.. Everyone just goes to the
elders, I feel like we do a lot on Sunday. In ward council the bishop
asks me for my opinion for everything.. I felt like i was running the
My pension is really good. I just eat the same thing for lunch and
dinner, which is a downside. But she cooks well. Our room is nice, its
So excited for conference nextt week. We will be able to watchit so im excited.
Well thats all for this week!!
Love yalll!!!
Elder Thatcher
This is the last week, and if i get transfered i will be really sad...
We finally got some strong investigators that we are close to putting
with date, so that is sad. So wednesday until now I have been sick and
i still am sick with a pretty high fever, and my district is just all
sick.. The sisters are sick, my companion is sick, the zone leaders
had to go to huancayo because Elder Chapeton had to get his appindix
removed, so all in all this week has just been sick week... good news
is i am starting to feel better. The zone leaders wont come back until
wedesday. I love all of yall and I know this next week will be a great
one!!! By the way, mom and dad... if yall happen to go to lamberts
which i know yall will, you should definetly send some photos of the
food, what its like inside and a video of the guy throwing rolls, my
companion is super interested and would like to see!!!! Thanks
Elder Thatcher
Me and my amor
Me in my area CERRO DE PASCO!!! WHOOOOOO!!!
This week has been more than just a good week, one of my best weeks i
have had here. First of all to start off i have found a new addiction
to bon o bons of tres leches! They are amazing but i was in a
chocolate coma for awhile haha.
So this week we started off well as we have had many lessons. However,
still no one with a baptism date, but we are working with a couple of
people, one being that lady named norma who lives in the highest house
in all of cerro, another being a 10 year old boy named louis who has
come to church 2 times now. I have a good feeling that we will be able
to put him with a baptism date! The sad part being is, i am most
likely leaving this change, which is sad because i have really warmed
up to the coldness here in cerro! haha
Everything is going good here, im super excited and we are working
hard!!! It is getting colder and raining more and more each day!!! I
love it hahaha!!!! (my clothes are just getting ruined here).
I hope every one is doing good, id like to hear from more of my
brothers ....cough...cough..... josh...cough...cough ...)
I have so many questions about things in the scriptures that I want to
know however, i dont think there is an answer....
Love yall so much!!!
Elder Thatcher
P.S. I ate sheep liver this past week.....

i really like these.... chocolate coma...
Commo estamos?? This past week, has been a great week. The best week i
have had teaching wise in cerro! So we start off a little slow by
contacting houses, which was very slow, and this one lady answered a
house, and straight up told us no.. so i was sad, and i decided to ask
if there was anyone else who might be interested, which every time i
ask that they say no... but she said yes! She didnt want to hear us
but her mom did apparently! Her mom always has wanted to listen to
those gringo missionaries! Crazy! I got a reference from a contact!!
we have taught her two times now. Her name is norma and she lives in
the highest house in cerro, i will show yall a pic of how highn it
is!! Crazy huh? We are about to rescue a lady who is less active named
isabel, she just needs an interview and then that will be my first
rescue of my mission!
ok... so yesterday!!! Scariest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!! BIG
DOG!!!!!!!!!!!! there was this dog in this yard that had a huge wall,
well this dog hates the missionaries due to past missionaries. he
heard our voices, broke his chain.. and jumped over thee wall!!! Elder
Schreiner and i bolted down the street! He was huge!!!!!! we ran so
fast, he almost bit me!!!! So i threw my water bottle at him and he
just kept coming!!! we probably ran 7 o 8 blocks til finally he
stopped!!! So scary!"!!!!!!
So it rained from thursday straight until sunday... did not stop
raining! and my umbrella is still not working.
So yesterday was Elder Chapeton ( my zone leader) birthday! so we had
a meeting with our ward mission leader and after we suprised him with
a cake! Here in peru that have a really dumb tradition where they have
to smash there face in the cake before we eat some! I dont like that
because hey! I want some Cake!!!! Then after that everyone gets an egg
and smashs it on his head and then pours a bag of flour on his head!
its so messy! and i would hate that!!!
Anyways, that was our week, good week... we have some references that
have alot of potential this week. We will see how it goes!!
Te amo mucho!!!!
Con muchos llamas y amor,
Elder Thatcher