Wow... holy cow am I tired...... So they are doing construction from
ambo to huanuco on the road and we got halfway to a town called Yanag
and then the driver was like... Ya i am leaving you here... So we had
to get out and walk from yanag to huanuco with all our bags.. there
wasnt other cars... We walked an hour and a half with our bags. (we
had our bags because we are staying the night in huanuco)!!!! I am
sooooo tired!!!!! But we finally got to hunuco!!!
So happy for will! Sounds like the baptism was amazing!!!
My goodness did Elder Caceres and I work hard... This week, we put up
high goals to meet. But we ended up meeting our goals and then
some!!!! We found 5 new investigators!!! Something that we were
lacking was new people. So we were thinking how we could contact
more... Sometimes we get lazy and dont contact as much as we should.
So we needed a motive to help us get going strong. So we thought and
we came up with a game, that is quite funny. If i knock the door,
Elder caceres has to contact them and if he knocks it I have to
contact them!! Its funny. Oh and in the street, If i ask someone a
random question (it just has to be a question), he has to contact
them, and vise versa. It is funny. So usually every week we contact 30
to 40 people. This week we talked to 72 contacts, 72 people we have
never met!!!!!! 72!!!!! And out of the 72, only 5 new investigators!
Wow did we work hard.. Yes we know 5 new people isnt much, but hey!!
it is a start! Sometimes as missionaries the hardest thing yet the
best thing is to just keep working and knockin doors! If it means
knockin 100 doors and only 1 person lets us in.. so be it.. But we
have to find the people. And if the ward wont help us, that aint
holdin us back...
So ya it has been a long week. But I think it will all pay off!! We
found a less active that we didnt even know about by contacting!!! Her
and her son are members but her husband isnt! So not only are we
teaching a new investigator, but we are helping these less actives
that we didnt know about, so they can return, but even better, return
with there family!!!!!!
So yes we are doing good!
I love you all!
Love, Elder Thatcher
Hey every one!!! This week has been super crazy!! We have basically
been in huanuco thursday since..... now... Im still in huanuco....
Thursday was the p day, friday was the conference, saturday we had a
mission prep conference for kids in the age to leave, then sunday we
went back to ambo to go to church, get more clothes then went back to
huanuco to go to a ward council stake training "how to properly have
ward council" because here they dont know how to do it.
So ya thursday we played soccer, i was on a all gringo team against a
all latino team, and we thought we would lose but i had three
goals....pretty impressive huh? im getting pretty good at soccer!
Then friday we had the conference. It was really good. We talked about
the only way to have true converts is if we guide them to repent. If
they truly repent, they will be true converts. But how as missionaries
we can help them truly repant. Becausewe can talk and maybe teach, and
have a convert, but if it isnt guided by the spirit, and if we dont
ask inspiried questions, they wont feel the importance to act on there
faith. it was really good. Then we ate lunch provided by the mission.
I had grilled chicken with fries and a coke. It was good! We ate while
watching meet the mormons! It was a super cool movie!! My favorite
part is the lady that lives in coasta rica and can beat up anyone!
That was cool!!
So ya this week was tiring and long but it was fun too. I am working
hard with the ward visiting lots of members. My district leader gets
mad at me, because we dont have many lessons with investigators, but
with the problem that i am in here with my companion, we have to fix
it, and i prayed alot and the only way we fix it is if we gain the
trust of all the members, so we are teaching lots of members. Lots!
And the spirit testified to us, that that is how we can help the
relationship of the missionaries with the bishop, the members and the
whole ward. So that is what we are doing right now! Thanks for all
your love and prayers!!
Will, i am so proud of you for your decision you have made to get
baptized, I want you to know I love you and that your uncle lolo is
super happy and excited for you!!
Love you all!
Til next week,
Elder Thatcher

Me and Elder Caceres
I grew a horn
Happy birthday to will and owen! It was great to see the family
yesterday! I really enjoyed it! I even got to see henry and mabel!
That was awesome! One thing that i think is super fun is talking with
chris in spanish. That is super fun! I feel like that hour just went
by super fasst!! But oh well.
So i was excited when i woke up today to have p day! And then i get a
call saying that p day is on saturday because we have a multizone
conference and pday on saturday. That would of been nice if i knew
that earlier so i could of planned for today!!! Now because we dont
have any visits planned for today we have to go knock door and contact
all day. That should be fun..
Well i am working hard. Really hard. I just want these problems to go
away in the ward so the members can focus on helping the missionaries.
That would be fantastic! Anyways love you all!!!
Elder Thatcher
Posted by
cameron and chelsea
12:59 PM
On Mother's Day we were about to Skype with Elder Thatcher and spend an hour catching up. It was so great being able to see each other "face to face".
Que tal mis patas? How is everyone? Im tired.. super super tired, all
the time. Every night after planning, when its time for my bed, i just
crash , my body is getting tired at the end of the days fast!
So this sunday, i already told dad, but im gonna get on skype at 5 on
sunday, and login on jons account! Super excited for that! We had
stake conference on sunday! It was amazing!!! The stake president had
a talk about one of my favorite scriptures in Isiah 41:10 and 13 which
is an amazing scripture. Talks about how our god is always with us and
how is always willing to support us in whatever we need help with! Its
a great scripture. You should all read it!
Anyways we will see how this week goes, this week is transfer week,
but im almost positive that im not getting transferred!
Love yall!
Elder Thatcher