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Let me tell ya!!!!!!! This week has been amazing!!!!! So it all
started out with last monday when we made oreo truffles for family
home evening!!! They were sooo good and my pension loved them!!!!!
Then we found some new investigators that we put with date for the
25th of july!!! Then came saturday!!! Such a beautiful day!!!!
Amazing!!!! I baptized Yordan and his cousin liz who was a baptism for
the ward. It was such a special day! I felt the spirit so much. It has
been awhile since i have been in the font. It is an experience and a
true miracle that past for yordan to get baptized. I want to thank all
of you who kept him in your prayers. After he rised out of the water
he began crying and gave me a big hug, and said thanks. It wasnt me
that made this happen. It was someone who is loving that with the
faith that we do have CAN make happen. Then sunday came..... Sunday
was a little speed bumb, as there are still many members upset with
the bishop that shared there testimonies but werent really
testimonies... I did not feel the spirit in that moment. But ya it was
ok. Percy my mission leader and his wife, my pension, are still upset
and didnt go to church. I felt sad because they are like another
family to me, i was super sad, but we went to there house and talked
to them to ask why they didnt go. They said they dont want to go if
bishop is still bishop. WE talked about a lot of things that needed to
be said. I basically told them they are my family while im here in
ambo and i need to see them in the church. They have a daughter named
luane and she will be 1 in august! (kinda like dallin and samuel eh?)
So i told my pension that when I see them in church that they make me
happy when i see them. Percy asked me if there wasnt another way to go
to church, this is what came to me... that when the father sent his
son to sacrifice his body, that there wasnt any other way to change
the plan. He understood me and it was just a very spiritual time, i
dont know how to express it. SO ya that was my amazing week!!!!
And i got my package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love yall
Elder Thatcher

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