Christmas Day the family was able to Skype together for an hour. It was so great being able to see Logan and hear his voice. He was also able to see his nieces and nephews - including 2 new nephews born while he has been in Peru.
Well this week has been great to see all my family!! It was awesome to
turn it on and see all my nephews and nieces on the screen. Made my
day!! This week has been interesting... Not to much work.. Which is
sad because all of our investigators and basically everyone who has a
brain would leave Cerro de Pasco for the holidays. It didnt even feel
like Christmas here. So ya hardly anyone was here, so we visited
members.... which was a mistake... we ate soooooo much gross food...
Turkey, rice, and potatoes.... and fruit cake... and then this drink
called maka... sooooo gross.... I ate it all day... and the turkey is
boiled and dry.... Im not lying I threw up that night, and so did my
companion... just too much gross food.. The fruit cake is gross... i
ate 8 hugeeee pieces of it.... so gross... ( PLEASEEEE if anyone wants
to send food, go ahead haha) Luckily i didnt have to eat guinea pig,
so thats good...
Me and my companion are going to try to make tacos today, im sure its
going to be a fail, becasue all the ingredients are way off... We have
transfers tomorrow, so we will see what happens with me and Elder
Walker. Elder Kidd, my zone leader is getting transfered out of here
for sure because he has 6 months here ( what a trooper) so ya that is
usually the max you have in an area so we will see.
I loved seeing everyone, i really liked talking spanish with chris,
that was cool!! I will send some pics... Love yall!!!!
With love,
Elder Thatcher

Elder Kidd and I with the llamas!
apparently this looks like an elephant!
Feliz Navidad!!!
So... PATRICIA GOT MARRIED AND BAPTIZED!!!!!!! It was awesome we did
everything on Saturday! It was wayyyyy cool!! Elder Walker Baptized
her and got his first baptism!! It was awesome!!!! It was a very
spiritual experience for us both! I will send pictures!
This past week has just been tiring! We went to Huanuco for our
Christmas conference! It was awesome! I had lasagna!! It was soooo
good!!! So ya just travelimg and then the marriage and the baptism.
I have been good. Just tired haha. The transfer is almost over, so we
will see if i get a new companion or not. It was sooooo much warmer
going back to Huanuco, but you know, i missed Cerro .... weird..
Ya so skype will have to be at 5 on thursday, my time, 4 your time. Im
excited to see everyone! I will get an hour!
By the way i got my thermals! Thankyou!! So much warmer!!!
Yes I got my package and no my zone leaders didnt steal anything haha,
it was funnny, I like my zone leaders!!
See ya on Thursday!!!!
Love yall!!
Elder Thatcher
hello to all!!!!! It is cold right now as I am typing. Not much that
went on this week. Other than we have been working really hard with a
couple of our investigators! We have one date for the 4th of january
for a 15 year old boy named william, and also one for the 27 of
december for a 36 year old lady named patricia. But she still has to
get married first with the person she lives with. But the marriage
should be finished the 13!!! so it is really exciting right now!!! The
work is hard and cold her but Elder Walker and I are working our
I love my Zone here, my zone leaders are awesome and are helping me
out a lot!! Im learning a lot and having a lot of fun as well. They
said my package is in huancayo so i will get it this friday! Super
excited! All the food here gets super cold, so right when its fresh we
eat fast!!
It is crazy how fast transfers go, it is already coming to an end with
Elder Walker which is sad!! I hear Bridger is in Mexico!!! GO ELDER
Well Feliz Navidad to all!!!
With love,
Elder Thatcher

me and my companion, and my zone leaders hahaha!!!!! We are cool
So get this!!! We found a real golf course here in cerro!!! The
gringos made it when they used to be here!!!!!
GOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont really see how it is one, but it
Well Cerro is treating me real nice! Love it here more and more each
day. President emailed me and basically he didnt see my change going
that way but the Lord did. I dont exactly understand that but it is
ok. I love here anyways! For Thanksgiving elder walker and I went out
to eat with our zone leaders (who are awesome) to a really good
restaurant! Then after that, Elder Walker and i went and bought some
pie! It was really good!! Look at the pictures!
Anyways, I had my second district meeting on Tuesday, and I was able
to find the needs of my district and teach them according to that. The
Zone leaders went to Huancayo for a zone leaders conference and told
everyone how i am district leader. Apparently everyone knows about me
now, Even elders I dont know yet. The youngest district leader in our
mission had 11 months, now everyoneee knows about me. I just dont
understand why i am district leader right now. I was expecting to be
junior companion for another 6 to 7 months. But my zone leaders keep
telling me to not doubt president. I hope i understand it soon.
On wednesday I went on splits with my zone leader, Elder Kidd, he only
has like 3 months left on the mission. He is a super hard working
Elder, and just a great guy! I learned a lot from him.
So this week, I want to talk about faith. and hope. So right before I
came heere to Cerro de Pasco, my area was just barely opened up. So it
is a new area. And so far it has just been super hard finding people.
Because there isnt any members that live in our area. It is a fairly
poor area. And so on friday... Ya friday was rough.. We didnt teach
anyone alllll day.!!! Was the first time i havent taught someone
everyday. I was so sad. It reeeeally put a trial on my faith and hope
as well it did to Elder Walker. We didnt know what to do. We dont have
very many investigators and it is just really hard. So on saturday
elder walker and i decided to fast. Fast until we found someone who
was prepared to hear this gospel. We knocked, and contacted, and
knocked for 6 and a half hours, just contacting. We had 43 contacts
that day... And no one wanted to hear. We were about to go back to the
room, but Elder walker and I wanted to contact one more person. So we
knocked, and a 19 year old boy opened the door. And I just knew he
would let us teach him. AND HE DID!!! His name is Anderson. And he
just had so many questions!!! We gave him a Book of mormon and he was
excited to read it! He told us he wanted us to come back! The only
problem is he studies alllll week, so we can only teach him on
Sundays! It just goes to show you that if you can just put your trust
in the Lord and keep going and working with Faith that he will putt
someone in our paths! It has been a long week. But i am ready to work
even harder!!
On Sunday, I was asked to give a talk 5 min before sacrament meerting
about tithing. I was so nervous. But anyways!!!! My spanish!!!! It
just came to me! I didnt have to worry or anything!!! I am so suprised
how it is just coming to me all of a sudden!!!
So ya that is my week so far!!! Pretty good! I am thankful for my
family! I love Yall!!
With love
Elder Thatcher
Well I find out tomorrow if i am getting changed or not!! Pretty crazy
that I have almost been out for 6 months now. I dont know what it
is... but when im walking all day out in the hot sun im just like wow
this is really hard work, then when finally someone lets us in to
teach, and we teach them... I feel the spirit just testify to me that
this really is the lords work.. That this really is the true gospel
that can change lives. That allows people to live with there families
forever! You know... I have a pretty amazing family, if you just sit
down and think about it.... 5 crazy brothers, 5 sisters.... 12 nieces
and nephews who i absolutely love, and two parents who taught me how
to find the true gospel for myself... And did i mention that my family
is absolutely witty and funny and crazy... and they embarass me
allllll the time, and im stuck with them for eternity... and i wouldnt
want it any other way... All thanks to this gospel. I want the people
here to realize the blessings they can have from this gospel. It truly
is quite amazing if you just think about it. Just stop and think about
your family.
That is one thing thaat has helped me a lot. You know, being out here
has had some hard times... And that is just it!!!! When people in life
think about there problems it JUST CAUSES MORE PROBLEMS!!! If we out
weigh those problems with the blessings we have, i guarantee you the
blessings will outweigh all problems and trials.... GUARANTEED!! It
helps a lot!!
We have been teaching this family of 4 (Julio, Lilly, Piero, and
lilly), they are pretty rich, but we have been teaching them the
gospel, and the plan of salvation. They are really stubborn catholics,
but we told them how with the plan of salvation they could be together
forever, and it caught there eyes.. <they were interested in that. If
we an just testify the truthfullness to families about the plan of
salvation that is centered around the restored gospel of jesus christ
it can testify to peoples hearts that this is the true church.. That
is what happened to me.. That is how i knew.
So in the ward, A girl named liz is leaving for ecuador on tuesday for
her mission, and they came over to our pension at night last monday to
do a farewell, so basically everyone was there, and asked me to bear
my testimony on a mission.
What i said was this, That before I always knew i would serve a
mission, because i made the decision to serve when i was a kid, and
that if i hadnt of done that that it would of been really hard for me
to of gone on my mission. Then i said that i hoped to of gone french
or english speaking, and that i told my mom i really didnt want to go
spanish speaking, i told the ward that i didnt want to go to peru, i
wanted france or the U.S. And they all moaned and said i was mean for
saying that, but what is important is where my father in heaven wanted
me to go, that was my calling. I dont want to be in any other place
right now than peru.
This is the place i am suppose to be, I know it.. When you are called
to serve by god wether its in a calling or a mission... Plan to do it,
because he planned it specifically for you.. That goes for all
callings in the ward... plan to do it and face your fears... Last week
i told yall i ate a cow heart, Think i was terrified of eating
that!!!! YES!!!! But i did it,, and know i am blessed, why? because
my pension has been making me american food, she made french toast,
pancakes, philly cheese steak sandwiches, tacos, hot dogs, french
fries. Its awesome!! and tonight she is buying fried chicken!!! All
because she said how proud she was that i ate that heart!!
So what im trying to say is, plan to do things you dont like, you
never know what outcome or blessings you will recieve!
I love you all, thanks for everything, i will inform yall where i will
be if i get transfered tomorrow!
With love,
Elder Thatcher
Me and my buddy Elder Rodreguiz!!!!!!
A kid in the ward gave me this hat!!! I'm going flat bill!!!!!!!! I'm going flat bill!!!!
Im not TRUNKY I promise ( trunky is a
missionary word meaning whenever
you start talking about the states or your home, another missionary
will tell you that you are trunky!!!) TRUNKASO!"!! HAhaha I wont be
trunky until thanksgiving time until i remember all the good food we
eat.... That will be hard...
Anyways first of all, before i forget... I need stronger bug spray...
way stronger, I dont know where you will find that, but ya... second
of all.... im good on the peanut butter... they actually have it here
in a store called metros... so ya, none of that, third of all,
yesterday we had a conference with the 4 zones in huanuco and a zone
in cerro de pasco with president and his wife ( which is why i didnt
email yesterday) and too many missionaries were taking advantage of
the disney music with lyrics, so ya none of that anymore, it can only
be classical and instrumental.. as well if you can send me the music
of josh with his band, all that bluegrass, that would be nice, i can
listen to that type of stuff like instrumental bluegrass, just put it
on a flash drive, i have a speaker that reads usb. Also add any other
music.. i like guitar bluegrass instrumental, anything from the
church, ask the brothers and josh.. Just no disney with lyrics
anymore. I really just want food from the states.... anything... im
dying here......PLEASE.... NO MORE GUINEA PIG!!!! NO MORE
POTATOES!!!!! I want some flavor.. theres no flavor to anything accept
CAN GET THEM DOWN MY THROAT hahaha, the potatoes are just plain and
dry... and did i mention... NASTY!!!
So my companions name is Elder Cook, he is from Idaho falls and he has
13 months in the mission, there is only 2 more weeks in the
transfer... already.. thats soooo fast, and im like 99 percent sure im
leaving primavera. President made a joke to me yesterday and said I
hope texans like the cold... which means i will probably get sent to
huancayo or huancavelica or maybe even Cerro de Pasco... which is the
coldest part of the misiion, its the tallest city in the world, and
has the highest church building in the world....
Anyways, the work is getting slow, but its not bothering me too much,
we have had to drop investigators, for people just not wanting to come
to church.
This buhdist guy named Edgar taught me something that is actually
pretty cool. So he believes that when one is super busy and just
always doing things or always worrying about the future of the past
its because they arent thinking about the present. Its like golf
(yayayayay i know another analogy to golf) dont worry about your last
shot (hmmm Cameron hahaha) just focus on the one you need to do in the
moment. Dont get upset about the past because in reality, you cant do
anything more but fix it. So edgar told me when i am upset about the
past of future to stop for 3 to 5 min and think about the next thing
personally i need to do.. and go on and do the next.. I think this is
super important with my duty as a missionary. I was called to serve
each day as hard as i could. Not worry about the weeks to come. Each
day is a sprint. Work as hard as i can for that one day. Ya its hard
to drop people... i just gotta keep looking and finding the people im
suppose to find. It aint easy... but i´ll tell you what it aint
imposible either.. I love this work and i love my friends and family
for supporting me. You know in school all i wanted to do is
golf....and right now all i want to do is serve.. I had friends ask me
before why i was leaving golf to go to peru, Isnt it hard to give up
something for two years... This is my answer, Yes it would be hard to
give up something for two years, but because i made this decision to
serve a mission when i was a kid while my brothers served it was a lot
easier. Yes its a sacrifice but i made the decision to serve a
longggggg time ago, therefore it was a lot easier..
Eldert Thatcher}}
P.S. That means ALL O YALL!! YA HEAR!!!

my zone!
this guy bought us ice cream.... it was reaaallllyyy good
Paul bought us KFC for Halloween. he is the coolest guy ever!!!
One week left in this transfer!!! Thats crazy!!! Time is flying by
fast!! I hope everyone is doing well!!! I have some funny stories this
First of all... its super hot here, I cant takeit!! its like 40
degrees celcius!
Second of all I got a haircut this morning and i tried to tell her i
just wanted a trim but i guess she didnt understand me so she cut a
lot of it off... oh well...
Third of all... You will never even guess what I ate this week.....
You cant even guess, guarantee it.. Ready?? Cow heart..... It was
gross!!!! But i downed it down my throat with a lot of maracuya which
is my favorite juice here, so i didnt even gag... not even a little
bit... i took that cow heart like a man... And I am proud!! Haha
So this week has been hard, still looking for more people. We have
some possibles but they havent accepted dates yet.. Just no one is
coming to church.. the area is getting hard. I have knocked on every
door here in our area like twice. The only places i havent knocked is
all the way out passed the mountains. But the people out there dont
want to come to church. So its hard right now. And it doesnt help when
we are just walking everywhere in the heat... Oh well.. gotta keep on
Oh by the way apparently for christmas in able to talk to yall i have
to have a skype. I know its a ways a way, but someone has to make me a
skype then give me the info to log on..Thanks everyone.
Doctrine and covenants 50:24 That which is of God is light and he that
receiveth light and continueth in God receiveth more light and that
light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day
Just remember that if we continue in doing the small things, the
things that bring joy to us, the things that are of God, that we will
shine and show it unto other people, who may need that light more than
we do. You never know whos watching ya..
Love Elder Thatcher
P.S. Face your Fears, like always

Hermana Claudia!! Best Pension in the mission!!!
My pension!!! Shes awesomeeee!!!
Paul!!!! My favorite Peruvian!! He is sooo cool!!!!
ok... I spy time... See if you can find the face of Jesus!!!
this angel is pointing into the mountain of a face of jesus that was found in the mountain
kfc in the pension!!!! AHHHH YAAAAA!!!!
First of all I just want to say sorry for the email I sent last week. When I was writing the email I was kind of drugged up to begin with. I am better. I will have this scar for the rest of my life, so thats pretty sweet. Its smaller and its going away now. Im not in pain anymore. I still dont know what it was. I spray my sheets every other night, and i never see bugs in our room. Oh well, thats a story i will have for ever!! COOL
"Dont you realize I have had diarrhea since EASTERS!!!" Haha I love that quote... Thats Peru for ya hahah
So this week has been really cool. Rain is coming down hard every other day! Like a lot, and they dont have a draining system so it just floods... Its awesome. Just look at the photos. It was ridiculous. Sunday morning at like 4 i woke up because my bed started shaking!!! And im on the top bunk so I thought elder cook was shaking the bed. NOPE!! EARTHQUAKE!!!! AHHH!!!! It lasted for 4 minutes. It was awesome. It waspowerful! It broke some windows to my pensions house! I thought it was so cool.
Anyways, this past week we have been teaching a new investigator. His name is Edgar. And out of all the catholics and evangelists down here, he is Buhdist! Its pretty cool. He is 22 years old and he is just always happy!! Like always!! He cant frown! But he is super interested in the lessons. I just hope he comes to church on Sunday so we can give him a date for baptism!!
Love you all!! And Happy HALLOWEEN!!!
Elder Thatcher
This week has been interesting.. Elder Lopez got transfered to huancayo, and i am still here in primavera huanuco. My new companion is Elder Cook, from Idaho Falls. He has been out for 13 months and his spanish is really good. I dont know, I thought I was getting transfered out but I didnt. Thats ok!!
So the scariest thing happened to elder cook and i on saturday!!! It was scary, and i dont know if what i said was right or not but its what the spirit told me.
Anyways... here we go... So we were contacting and it was getting really hot and we just wanted to go and teach some one new... so after knocking on doors for 2 hours finally these three sisters let us in to teach them!!! SWEET!! welll... no... not sweet.. haha. We started teaching them, and we were feeling the spirit so much!! Like we were almost done with all of lesson 1 and they were interested and they were asking questions!! It was awesome.. then when we were reading james 1:5, we here the door starting to open.. and there faces of the girls was just like... oh dang...This tall,, talll big, big strong white guy came in the door!!! He was huge!!! His name was Gary, and he spoke english and Spanish.. and just in a really rude voice he said ¨well howdy, what are yall doing in my house?¨ And thats when the bible bash began!!! His name was gary, he was from tyler texas!!! He has a big red beard and red hair, and was wearing a country shirt and all. Apparently he was atheist in texas, and then his friend converted him to orthodox christianity. Then 20 years ago he moved to huanuco peru and he now owns his own church from his house. But man was he rude to us, he just interupted our lesson and the spirit, and said ¨lets talk boys¨!! I was scared.... terrified even.. He was asking us questions about how we were born in the church and that we shouldnt just jump off the bridge into a dark hole. He was just bombing us and tearing us apart about how we are wrong. He was like, you could take a swab test from any one of my daughters ( who are latina) and see that they have no trace to jerusalem. And that there arent any traces of people from that time, or there isnt any horses in the americas!! I was just like really!! Then he brought up ole joe smith about he discovered some mysterious plates in the woods.. that werent in hebrew but in egyptian, and that no one could translate that because they didnt have rosetta stone. Elder cook asked if he knew what faith was and he said yes that he has faith in christ, but just praying and ¨feeling an answer¨isnt good enough, he said faith has to have evidence. And then he was like ¨with your church it doesnt look like your faith is doing to well¨. He was just going on and on asking about where all my moms live and just rude hurtful things, and he was loud ( and big) and i was just scared. But then the spirit just manbifested and spoke like afterward i was just like wow... i really said that?!? Even elder cook was like woah elder... So what had happened was i was sitting in my chair the whole time while he was blasting on our faith and this is what i did ( my head was hurting so bad as if it was about to explode), I stood up, i looked him in the eye, ( i didnt yell but i was bold and strong with what i said) AS MISSIONARIES AND REPRESENATIVES OF JESUS CHRIST WE ARE NOT JUMPING INTO A BLACK HOLE. WE DONT NEED SIGNS AND EVIDENCE TO HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE IN THIS. Then i said, YOU WANT EVIDENCE, HERE (i gave him a book of mormon) THERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE! (i then went on and said) YOU CALL YOURSELF A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST BUT ALL YOU ARE TRYING TO DO IS TEAR APART WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE AND MY FAITH. AS A REPRESENATIVE OF JESUS CHRIST I COMMAND YOU TO STOP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE SAID TO US.Then he just froze and was silentt.. theni walked out side my head was just on fire! It hurt so much! I didnt even know what i had said.. i had to think about it that night.
So family, friends... haha. There are people out there in the world that are trying to bring us down, but we have to keep getting stronger. ¨For I know that I am nothing, that I do not glory in myself, but that I glory in him, that i may be an instrument in the lords hands¨. Dad, mom... i want to thank you for teaching me this gospel, for making my testimony stronger. And for my brothers and for my family, and friends, for always being there for me when i need an example. I know for my self that this is true, that this IS the church of jesus christ.. this isnt my church, its his.. and i am going to do all i can to share it with others through the holy spirit. I love yall, and i hope that everyone is safe, i pray for all of yall everyday, for i know this life isnt easy... I spent my first 4 weeks in the field throwing up every night, getting no sleep, i know how it feels to feel like you have nothing going for you.. But i know im not alone out here, and for that reason im going to keep on doing all that i can everyday as hard as i can. When my body begs for rest I give myself this rallying cry ¨I knbow that my redeemer lives¨! I know it.
Elder Thatcher
Feliz Cumplianos!!!! Ashley y Devrie!! HAHA, yesterday we finally had time to make the cupcakes, so we made them, and after we sang happy birthday to ashley and devrie!! It was awesome!! The cupcakes were delicious!! I really enjoyed them.
Well, tomorrow we have transfers, so maybe... just maybe I might be getting transfered out of Primavera (My ward). But maybe not, maybe Elder Lopez is leaving, he thinks he is leaving... he already packed all his bags and everything hahaha!!! Really not much that went on this week. The work was slow because the past week voting for the new president of peru has been going on, so everyone has been gone and went to lima. We didnt even have church on sunday, because for some reason we are watching conference this next sunday, kinda weird, but the law is on sundays, no church service during voting. So ya the work this past week has been slow.
Ya.. so nothing much else, if you have questions about anything please ask...
Love, Elder Thatcher
P.S. We are allowed to have disney music now and i bought a usb so if molly or any of the kids want to send me some in an email i can download it onto that. Thanks!
last monday, hma claudia made hamburgers... it wasnt the same, but its better than the other food i have been eating!!!
Hermana Claudia ( my pensionista) and Josue (her son)
birthday cake getting smashed in my face when i wasn't looking hahaha
my view everyday. i live beneath where i am standing.
cupcakes with the sisters!
Me, Silvia, Elder Lopez and Silvias boyfriend
Silvias baptism!!
my breakfast. cold raw bland potatoes.
When i was on splits with my Zone Leader.... Just relaxin on my not comfy bed haha, it basically was a matress without anything inside it haha
Well I feel amazing spiritually this past week. I got asked to baptize Silvia Rosales on Saturday. It has just been a huge process teaching her, because she has liked what we have been teaching her, only she hasnt felt that it has been true. So her baptism date was more of a goal. And the past week i was worried for her a lot!! But she called the morning of her baptism and my companion was on the phone and i was just praying so hard right there in that moment that everything was ok. And when he hung up he looked at me and i was scared and Elder Lopez just smiled and said.. we have a BAPTISM!!!! She asked me to baptize her. So that morning we called up some members and after two hours, i Baptized her..
After the baptism she shared her testimony that she felt like she wasnt suppose to be baptised... so saturday night at 1 she was crying and couldnt sleep, because something in her head was telling her no, dont get baptized, so she prayed and after her prayer the feeling went away.. And she was able to sleep, and she had a dream that i baptized her!!! When she said that... i was just like... wow...... I was speechless... I was just so happy, i dont know how to describe it!!! There were little kids in the room being noisy but when she shared her testimony, i couldnt hear any of them, or any person. i just felt like everything i knew to be true was testified even more that this is the true Church of Jesus Chist, That i WAS restored by Joseph smith, that we do have a living prophet with 12 apostoles.
This past week Elder Lopez was in Huancayo, with all the other district leaders. President has made some new rules.. No more eating with members!!! We cant accept any prepared food from members except from our pension, ( I dont like any of the food, but the food from my pension doesnt make me sick!!) So thats new.... hahaha
Family... Friends...
The mission is soooooo hard... sooo hard!!!! The hardest thing i have ever done.. and ive only been out for 4 months.... but there isnt any other place i would like to be other than here on my mission. Sorry, but I love this! The church is true, and i know it.... I know its true. I hope you share this with the members and with anyone.. Love You guys a tone!!
Elder Thatcher
Hello family! Things are great! I only havetwo weeks left of this transfer!That is crazy to me! (sorry about the spacesinbetween words, the space bardoesnt really work) My companion left for Huancayotodayforadistrict leader training for three days, so I am with thezone leaders andElder Rodreguiz for 3 days. So this shall be fun.
Thisweek wasthe beginning ofspring!! It rains like every day now, usually in the nights! I love it so much! I sleep so great in the nights now! It isnt really cold, inthe nights its cold, but its a perfect cold, in the day it is pretty hot. And dusty.
So one cool experience I had thisweek. We were walking at like 7 at night down one of the mountains, and our appointment was canceled, and it is hard to contact at night so we didnt knowwhat to do. It was dark, then all ofasudden we see this taxi comedown the street and it stopped and the lady drivingitlokked at uswith aconfused look and she said, What church are yall? My companion looked atme and was like, lets get outof here, but idint want tobecause this lady lookedlikesomeoneI knew! So i contactedherandasked if we could come andteach her, so we went to her house, and she has 2 sons, and we went in andwe taught her.And i had deja vu! I hadseen the room we werein beforesome where but i just felt like this wasright like we needed to be here teaching her! We haveonly taught her oncebut she was so interested and wanted to learn more and shesaid she will come to church this sunday! I am so excited!
Anyways all iswell here, sorry about the spacebar thingy. How is josh and his family, havent heard from them yet, heard from Ainsleys dad! He sent me a letter with some stickers that said NO FEAR! I love it! It is my new moto.. FACE YOUR FEARS!!!! It is the only way we cansharethis gospelif we just say to our selves that wehave to do this for our savior. So family... FACE YOUR FEARS!! Share the gospel with someone this week! And actually mean it! we always have opportunities, and if you feel like you dont, then pray for some! FACE YOUR FEARS!! Love everybody! Tell Bishopjones for me that the ward needs to FACE YOUR FEARS!!! With power too.. haha Love yall!!
Happy bird day cam bam!
Love Elder Thatcher
The rain!!!!
Hello family! I am doing great! I feel healthy! I am happy! I feel blessed! Everything is just great right now! How is everyone?? I pray that yall are healthy too! I hope yall got to see all of the great pictures last week! I dont have pics really from this week as this week has just been crazy busy serving the Lord! We have been really pushing hard to find people who are prepared to listen to the gospel, and one of the many ways we can do that as missionaries and <I think is the best way is through members. The members are who we find people that they know and love and can share the gospel with and everything be fine. Meaning as after baptism they have a friend in the church and are actively engaged in the church. So this is what we have been working on mainly this week.
My first convert has a calling now in the church and she is attending institutes and everything is just peachy with her right now. She is super strong in the church which just makes me feel great because there is a lot of less actives here right after baptism. This saturday we have a baptism with a returned missionaries girlfriend actually. She is all prepared and excited for her baptism. So we only have one baptism this week and its her, her name is Silvia Rosales, she is 31. Also the sister missionaries in our ward have a baptism this saturday so we are thinking about combining the two.
Selene (the 10 year old) and her father (she doesnt have a mother) are not getting baptized this saturday because some problems have come up. This is a super sad story, so bare with me. Selene is 10 and she has a younger brother named Luis (which is the same name as his father) he is 6. There father has been working really hard at his job to provide for there education and to provide food. The only have one key to there house which the owner of the house keeps. He wont give one to Luis (the father) because they are renting the room and he cant aford a room for his family to own. Luis works from 4 in the morning until 8 in the night every day. His kids go to school and then stay out in the streets until 8 because the owner of the room doesnt get off until 8 too. So the kids are just by themselves every day. out in the streets. So life is rough for them. And then 3 days ago there father, luis got layed off and now doesnt have work. He got layed off because he asked his boss if he could have 3 hours off on sundays to attend church. isnt that sad? he works a ton and hardly getspaid anyways. So when dont know when they will get baptized for they need to attend church more but the whole ward is helping us find them a new room, find him a new job. Everything will be ok, he said he was going to put all his faith in the lord in these trials!
Yesterday I gave a talk in spanish! About the doctrine of Christ! I was able to write out a 8 min talk and actually speak! How crazy is that!!!!
Yes mom i am fineee.. Our room is clean and fixed, no damage yet. I havent paid for socks yet because the only money i have is money for motos or taxis. But I need to pull some out today because i desperately need water and some chifles of something!! Also the bag we found in the room upstairs? Ya it broke.... Right now i am borrowing another elders bag but i need to find one soon because changes are in 3 weeks! Wow time is fast!!
Everything is great! I love yall!!!!
Love Elder Thatcher
this is what our taxis look like... they are so small and dangerous.. but cheap
Im sorry its a little late today, I dont usually email at this time. But anyways today we went way up in the mountains for P day today!! 3 hours away on a crazy Bus!!! That was just packed as usual. And we are leaning off the edge of the mountain!! It was so scary!! But we went to go see some ruins, and then the driver just got lost so we just went hiking anyways!! it was so cold!!! I basically felt like it was a waste of time.. But my goodness were we up there... We were so high in the air.. we were on a mountain.. on a mountain... And people actually live up there!!!! But anyways thats what we did today.. it was hard and i couldnt breathe well but i made it to the top!! I was so happy!!
Anyways this week has been crazy.. I went to the clinic and they said I had a scratch in my ear so nothing bad, It is probably from all the dust in my area. So that is good, headaches are off and on, but whenever I do have one it is pretty bad, but once its over with I just forget about it and go back to work.
Friday our bathroom drain cloged up and just flooded our room so thats great.. We had to take everything out then clean everything. It is all ok right now.
Wednesday we had a reunion with our president and about 80 missionaries and President Uceda who is president over the area! He spoke with authority!! My goodness but it was with love too. He just loves this gospel so much and really stressed about how this is a new time in missionary work and that we need to be working with members every day for refrences. It is true it is hard contacting. I feel the more prepared someone is, is through refrences of the ward. This is a new era!!!!!!! FACE YOUR FEARS!!!!! Share the Gospel with friends!!! I was afraid of contacting because i dont like speaking all to much right now because i dont know much, but after i did it and contacted more It is coming easier!! FACE YOUR FEARS!!! share with others!!! Help the missionaries!! They need it more than ever!!
Anyways I am glad to hear from the family about everyone it sounds like everyone is doing good!! The boys are cuter than ever and so big!!! We have 3 more baptisms for the 20th. One is 10 year old girl that reminds me of molly. She doesnt have a mom and she just helps with her siblings for her dad all the time. Dont have too much time this p day because we got back late so I am sorry. I love everyone!!!
With love,
Elder Thatcher
Some houses on the mountain
The view from the top!
Elder Inkley
Look what I found!!! Kinda expensive 4 soles (around $1.50 in US)